
教育学研究科 Special Opening Lecture 2018「オックスフォードから見た<ニッポンの教育>社会学的アプローチ」
教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ 第2回 Research-based Development of Finnish Education
Since the new teacher education reform in late 1970’s there has been close relationship between university-based research and educational practices. In the beginning it mainly meant that it was easy to carry out individual research studies in schools, teacher students in preservice teacher education participated in research projects, and researchers were invited to run separate in-service training sessions for teachers. In recent years there have been attempts to make the impact of research more sustainable by developing more systematic, broad-scale, and long-lasting models for research-practice collaboration. In the presentation I present some general principles of Finnish education, research based development models and concrete example from our research in the field of mathematics education.
教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ第3回 "Opportunities and Risks of Parental Homework Involvement: Insights from Germany and Switzerland", 2018
In the German and Swiss educational context, schools and families are regarded as two distinct and independent environments in which children learn and are socialized. Homework is the setting in which home and school intersect most closely. On the one hand, this implies a great potential to bridge these two learning environments of children. On the other hand, homework may also be the cause for conflict between parents, children and schools. Based on several longitudinal large-scale survey and assessment studies from Germany and Switzerland, in which secondary school students were asked about their parents’ involvement in their homework process, I will present findings on the opportunities and risks of parental homework involvement for children’s academic development showing that it is the quality of parental homework involvement that matters, not its quantity. I will then discuss implications for policy and practice and outline several ways how parents and teachers can improve the homework setting for children.
教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ第4回 "Making Tea, Making Japan-茶道と日本文化を考える-", 2018
“Making Tea, Making Japan: Cultural Nationalism in Practice” の著者であるロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究学院准教授クリステン・スーラック博士をお迎えし、茶道から見た日本文化と教育についてご講演いただきました。