Japanese Resistant Reaction to Inclusion of People with Disabilities
−A Social Psychological Approach with Quantitative Data−
Date | Friday 17 February 2023 |
Time | 15:30-17:00 pm (JST) |
Venue | Virtual (zoom) |
Language | Japanese (simultaneous interpretation available) |
Registration | Please register by February 15 on: Registration form |
Presenters | Kosuke Sato, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Kurume University Associate Professor, Kochi University Center for General Student Support |
Contact | Global Education Office Email: globaledu(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp *replace (at) with @ |
KU Event Webpage |
It has been almost nine years since Japan ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and seven years since the enactment of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, a landmark law that prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in Japan. In 2021, the Japanese Cabinet has decided to revise the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, and it is expected that private business sectors will be legally obligated to provide reasonable accommodation. However, this progress does not seem to be fast enough or sufficient.
In this presentation, we would like to show the “difficulties surrounding people with disabilities in Japan” by using macro-level quantitative data. we will present Japan-US comparisons on several indicators such as quality of life of people with disabilities, the level of approval and perceived feasibility of inclusive education among people with disabilities, elementary and junior high school teachers, and the general public in Japan, as well as findings from Japan, UK, US, Australia comparative studies on perceptions of inclusive education. If time permits, we would also like to introduce a series of studies on “Help Mark.”