Title: Borrowing and Lending of “Educational Models” through International Cooperation: Cases of Japan’s Efforts to Promote “Knowledge Diplomacy” 

Speaker: Yuto Kitamura, Ph. D.

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DateMonday 15 March 2021
Time15:00-17:00 (JST)
VenueZoom meeting room (online)
LanguageJapanese (Simultaneous interpretation available)
RegistrationPlease register by 17:00 on Friday 12 March on:
*Please make sure that your email address is correct.
PresenterYuto Kitamura
Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Development, Graduate School of Education, University of Tokyo
ContactGlobal Education Office
Email: globaledu(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
*replace (at) with @

Abstract. Comparative education research has its origin to analyze ideas, systems, and practices of education in different societies/countries for the purpose of improving education in one’s own society/country. Today, in the era of globalization, it is particularly important for comparative education research to reveal how some societies/countries borrow and lend “educational models” each other. Globalization promotes both unification/standardization and division/diversification simultaneously, and it is essential for the field of comparative education to raise a question how such complex phenomena take place through educational borrowing and lending. In this lecture, I will discuss how educational borrowing and lending have been happening between developed countries and developing countries, by referring to cases of the EDU-Port Japan and some other programs. In my discussion, I will apply the notion of “knowledge diplomacy” to understand a nature of current forms of international educational cooperation between developed countries and developing countries.