グローバル教育展開オフィスでは、ニュージーランドのワイカト大学のTaciano L. Milfont先生を招き、環境問題と社会的優位志向性(Social Dominance Orientation)に関する講演会を企画しています。興味関心のある方は是非ご参加ください。
Current environmental problems may be linked to a belief in human dominance over nature. I have expanded the theoretical scope of Social Dominance Theory—a theory of intergroup relations examining support for group-based hierarchy—to explore the motivation to dominate nature. Specifically, I have examined how Social Dominance Orientation (SDO), which indexes an individual’s preference for hierarchy and the domination of lower-status groups by higher-status groups, negatively impacts pro-environmental attitudes and behaviours. In this talk, I will present an overview of our ongoing research programme using correlational, cross-cultural, experimental, and longitudinal designs showing that individuals comparatively high in SDO are more likely to have exploitative tendencies towards the natural environment and other non-human animals. I will also discuss findings on how SDO might help explain gender differences in environmentalism.
タイトル:Understanding the impact of group-based dominance on human–nature relations
講演者:Prof Taciano L. Milfont
Te Kura Whatu Oho Mauri | School of Psychology
Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato | The University of Waikato, Tauranga, New Zealand
日時:2024年7月5日(金)15:30-17:30 日本時間
5 July 2024 (Friday), 15:30-17:30(JST)
場所:京都大学本部構内 教育学部第一講義室 (総合研究2号館 1階)
Lecture Room 1 of Faculty of Education, Kyoto University (1st floor, Building No.2)
※人数によって会場変更となる場合は参加申込者にご連絡します。 If the place is changed due to the number of participants, the registrant will be notified.
※右のマップをクリックすると拡大されます。Click on the map on the right to enlarge.

言語:English Only(当日日本語資料配布あり)
All are welcome to attend. (up to 100 participants)
参加費:無料 Free
参加登録:下記URLにアクセスしてお申し込みください。Please register at the following URL
(締切:2024年7月1日(月)正午、Until 1 July 2024, Monday, 12:00 noon)
Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University, Global Education Office)