教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ第3回として、German Institute for International Educational Researchの上級研究員であるDr. Hanna Dumontに、「Opportunities and Risks of Parental Homework Involvement: Insights from Germany and Switzerland」と題した講演をしていただきます。
日時 | 平成30年10⽉5⽇(金)17時00分〜19時00分 |
会場 | 教育学部本館1F 第1会議室 (東側玄関から入り、直進右手) |
対象 | 本学教員、研究者、大学院生、学部生 |
参加費 | 無料 |
申込 | ![]() 必要: 先着50名様 右記QRコードからお申し込みください。 または、http://bit.ly/2KYBkTZにアクセスし ※人数によってはお断りする場合がありますのでご了承くださいませ。 |
申込締切 | 平成30年10月1日(月)17:00 |
主催 | 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 担当:MANALO, Emmanuel教授 |
講演者 | Dr. Hanna Dumont (Senior researcher at the German Institute for International Educational Research) https://www.dipf.de/en/institute/staff/dumont-hanna |
Abstract | In the German and Swiss educational context, schools and families are regarded as two distinct and independent environments in which children learn and are socialized. Homework is the setting in which home and school intersect most closely. On the one hand, this implies a great potential to bridge these two learning environments of children. On the other hand, homework may also be the cause for conflict between parents, children and schools. Based on several longitudinal large-scale survey and assessment studies from Germany and Switzerland, in which secondary school students were asked about their parents’ involvement in their homework process, I will present findings on the opportunities and risks of parental homework involvement for children’s academic development showing that it is the quality of parental homework involvement that matters, not its quantity. I will then discuss implications for policy and practice and outline several ways how parents and teachers can improve the homework setting for children. |
お問い合わせ | グローバル教育展開オフィス e-mail: globalevent(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (at)は@に置き換えて下さい。 |