2019レクチャーシリーズ 第1回 Prof. Guoping Zhao講演会
Levinas and the Eastern Thoughts
昨年度より開催しております、教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズの2019年度 第1回として、アメリカ・オクラホマ州立大学のProf. Guoping Zhaoをお迎えし、下記の通り講演会を開催いたします。
日時 | 2019年5⽉21⽇(火)14時30分〜16時30分 |
会場 | 教育学部本館1F 第1会議室 (東側玄関から入り、直進右手) |
対象 | 本学教員、研究者、大学院生、学部生、一般 |
参加費 | 無料 |
申込 | 必要: 定員50名様 下記URLにアクセスしお申し込みください。 http://bit.ly/2vov9DD ※人数によってはお断りする場合がありますのでご了承くださいませ。 |
申込締切 | 2019年5月17日(金)17時 |
主催 | 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 担当:RAPPLEYE, Jeremy准教授 |
講演者 | Prof. Guoping Zhao https://education.okstate.edu/scfd/faculty.html |
題目 | Levinas and the Eastern Thought |
Abstract | Emanuel Levinas, one of the most original philosophers of recent history, has received much attention from educational theorists worldwide. Levinas’ philosophy begins with a poignant critique of the long tradition in the West that centers human subjectivity on the all-encompassing power of ego and consciousness, which for Levinas leads to the totalizing tendency of the tradition. Against the ego-like, agent-like, and substantial conception of the subject, he locates the origin of the subject in the pre-ego, pre-conscious, connection with the Other and the world, an “ethical subjectivity” as Simon Critchley calls it (2008, p. 86). The imprint of, and the self’s responsibility to, the Other break open the enclosed identity and, as he states, “What is at stake … in its being,” becomes “not to be.” It is in this context that I want to bring Levinas into dialogue with Eastern thinkers, particularly Zhuangzi of China and Nishitani of Japan. Lévinas has suggested that cultural meanings are plural and are a step away from the unity and orientation of sense that provides the horizon for such meanings. What does Levinas’ universal and “primordial experience” entails, and how does his subject that “cannot be” resonate with Zhuanzi’s non-being self and Nishitani’s being in unison with emptiness, will be the questions of discussion. |
お問い合わせ | グローバル教育展開オフィス e-mail: globalevent(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (at)は@に置き換えて下さい。 |