教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ第4回として、University at Albany-State University of New York, School of EducationのProf. Aaron Benavoをお迎えし、下記の通り講演会を開催いたします。


会場教育学部本館1F 第1会議室 (東側玄関から入り、直進右手)
申込必要: 定員50名様
主催京都大学大学院教育学研究科 担当:高山 敬太 教授
講演者Prof. Aaron Benavot
題目Global learning metrics: Historical roots, current constructions, notable critiques
AbstractEfforts to assess national learning outcomes and compare these across time and place have expanded rapidly in the past two decades. The results of national, regional and especially international assessments of learning are being combined into global learning metrics (GLM) to substantiate claims of a ‘global learning crisis’ and the poor provision of quality education and as evidence of the need for major policy reforms. Although discussions around comparing learning outcomes across diverse education systems have important historical roots, the new global goal on education, SDG 4, established a broad learning agenda (as part of a results-oriented discourse), and added greater urgency and legitimacy to the construction of a limited number of globally comparable learning outcomes. Current GLMs, for example, rank countries according to the percentage of children or adolescents at different age or grade levels who have acquired a ‘minimum proficiency’ in reading and mathematics (the global indicator for SDG Target 4.1). This presentation will critically evaluate these on-going efforts, first by providing a brief historical perspective, and then by describing new datasets on learning being reported by international agencies. It will also discuss the actors promoting GLMs, the claims and evidence being put forward, as well as the likely consequences and sustainability of these practices over time.
e-mail: globalevent(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (at)は@に置き換えて下さい。