教育学研究科レクチャーシリーズ第5回として、Bob Lingard カソリック大学教授・クイーンズランド大学名誉教授をお迎えし、下記の通り講演会を開催いたします。
日時 | 2019年12⽉16⽇(月)15時00分〜17時00分 |
会場 | 国際科学イノベーション棟5階 会議室a・b https://www.saci.kyoto-u.ac.jp/access/ |
参加費 | 無料 |
申込 | 必要: 定員50名様 下記URLにアクセスしお申し込みください。 http://bit.ly/2JwpfaV ※人数によってはお断りする場合がありますのでご了承くださいませ。 |
申込締切 | 2019年12月12日(木)17時 |
主催 | 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 担当:高山 敬太 教授 |
講演者 | Professor Bob Lingard https://education.uq.edu.au/profile/213/bob-lingard https://www.acu.edu.au/research/our-research-institutes/institute-for-learning-sciences-and-teacher-education/our-people/professor-bob-lingard |
題目 | Researching and theorising education policy situated in/against the changing spatialities of globalization |
要旨 | This paper begins from two assumptions. The first is that as the empirical reality of what we research (here education policy and globalization) changes, so too must our theories and methodologies for doing policy sociology in education. The second assumption is that how we define the object of our research – here education policy – carries significant implications for how we research it. The paper briefly traces changes in the spatialities associated with globalization, including recent rises in nationalisms and ethno-nationalisms and the significance of these for methodological considerations. Globalization challenged methodological nationalism and its predication on the social/society as homologous with nation. More recent resurgence of nationalisms and ethno-nationalisms have challenged what might be seen as methodological globalism. Three case studies drawn from my recent research will be used to illustrate and think about this range of issues for policy sociology in education: the creation of national curriculum in Australia; the emergence of PISA for Schools; and the opt-out movement in New York State. Finally, the paper will consider the concept of ‘scalecraft’ as a recent addition to the policy literature and as an element of statecraft. This concept enables us to focus on the constitution of scale in policy, rather than simply using scale as a descriptive and analytical concept. Consideration will be given to whether this might be a way to think beyond the binary of methodological nationalism/methodological globalism and how how we might understand the continually changing spaces and scales associated with education policy. |
お問い合わせ | グローバル教育展開オフィス e-mail: globalevent(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (at)は@に置き換えて下さい。 |